Here are some drawings and comics I have done in my spare time... Note: Only the Guy and Girl one was done recently.... But here take a look anyways.... also Note: My scanner does not have good quality when the picture is shrunken down.. which I have done to make it fit a little better on the page... but the quality of the drawing itself does look better than what is shown (mainly speaking for the Jimmy Comics)

Here's a picture I drew one day in grade7 in a restaurant while waiting for my food, I flipped the placemat over and drew on the back.....

Here's a picture I drew when I was in Grade7 and had cousins come over, we were sitting looking at comics and I took out my lady death comic and decided to draw a picture from one of the inside pages

Here's a picture done when I was in Grade8 while I was sitting at home during the summer and was looking through comics and drew this, It's a futureistic picture of Sabertooth...

Here's a picture I drew on New Years Eve in Grade8, I was really bored that night and wasn't going anywhere so I sat in my room and drew this while listining to music....

Here's a drawing I did with a girl named Jen that is in grade 11 and came into my art class one day cause she had spare, the drawing isn't complete but that's because I don't have the paint anymore to complete it.. but when I do and I have the spare time I'll add the brown to the shorts...

Here's a drawing I did recently in July, I was watching the movie Empire Records every night for a week cause It's like one of my Fav movie's so I made an attempt at drawing Corey and AJ, although it didn't turn out as good as I thought....

Here are my very famous infamous, cheeply done, but quite well.. Jimmy comics.... now you see I did these when I was in Grade8 and I haven't really had the Time or Ideas to create another.... but if you like my Jimmy comics and want to see more of em... Then E-mail me at please give me your input and Ideas of what you think of the comics and what do you want to see in the next... it would be greatly appreciated.. thank you....

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