Well here's some crap about me and my friends that i sk8 with and drink, smoke whatever there is to do here r some of my Boyz 'N' Girlz around here that i hang with so like it don't bitch so just lay back and enjoy the ride... incase anyone was bored enough or actually wanted to know... but if you wanna know more about me or any of my friends that have ICQ you can contact me me on ICQ (my number 10823242) or E-mail me my adress is Nikon69@hotmail.com So anyways enough of da blabbing on shit here's the stuff...(pics soon to come)

Me, Myself, and I :My real name is Robb I'm a 15 year old guy living up in Ontario Canada.... I was a singer in a band but quit cause it sucked....and wasn't going anywhere so I'm gonna look around when I got spare time and stuff and see if anyone wants to start a band or needs a singer for their band.... I mostly sing like Jon Davis from KoRn, but I can also sing like the guy from Blink182....depends I'm more into like KoRn type of music though now...They are the GREATEST band on earth...If anyone ever asked me "what was the best experience in your life?" I would have to say going to Edge Fest98... Everytime I would see cool bands on TV and with the big mosh pits and crowd surfing I always wanted to be there, well at Edge Fest I had my chance....The mosh pits were crazy... you'd either have to be a guy or a girl with a really good sence of balance to keep standing... When I saw people crowd surfing over me I said to myself "That looks sooooo fucking cool" Me and Trevor decided 'What the Fuck'.. And 2 guys picked me up and I went along.... I must have went at least 2 times to every band (if not more)on the Edge Fest stage, One time during Green Day when I went I was flung up, there was a gap between a few people, and I came straight down on my head, another guy that was crowd surfing came down too and his foot landed on my head after that... ( I had such a bitch ass headache) I found Jason,Jay, Lindsay, Cody, and Trevor and got 2 tylonals from Jay and right after Tea Party finished I was back in again.... if you wanna know more contact me on ICQ I already mentioned how
My Drawings

My Picture

MY FRIENDS(a few of em)

My Boyz

The CodeMan : Cody is a really fucking cool guy he's 15 and he lives like only 5 min drive away from me he's been my best friend ever since like grade 5 when he came to our school we fucking do everything together....anyways he's page is in links section it's the first one Halfdane inc.
Cody's Picture

Dufus : Shane is a pretty cool guy too he's 15 and he's Cody's cousin he lives about 5 min away too...He got the name dufus for various easy to figure out reasons... he acts and does and says some really stupid things sometimes... and he's REALLY fucking lazy....we always tease him...although it's like a game when it's him and Cody they make fun of me, me and Cody make fun of him, and me and him make fun of Cody, but we all know it's a joke.... He doesn't have a page though cause he's to lazy to get off his ass and actually have to think...
Shane's Picture

Jay : Jason is 16 and is another one of Cody's cousins that lives up in Trenton....this one is a lot smarter than the other though (Shane)... actually I think Jason knows the most on Comps out of the 4 of us mentioned so far.... although we tell each other different things to get and what stuff we found that was cool and shit like that, his webpage is under construction...

Rock Head /or Little T: Trevor is 14 and got the name Rock Head cause this guy puts like almost half a fucking tube of gel in his hair... it's to fucking hard it's not funny..... but other than that he's a really cool guy.... he's a pretty good guitar player too.... he's shown me a few chordes and I'd sit in my room and practice on one of my guitars and he'd show me shit on my other electric....

J /or Jason : Jason is 15 and also is a really fucking cool guy and he's fucking HUGE!! this guy is like 6 sumthin' and is really strong too....the only thing is that sometimes it frightens people (smaller people, not like me, Cody, and others that know him good) because he loves to talk about guns and his favorite C-4, he always talks about how when he gets older he wants to blow up this shitty little town we all call home.....But the thing Jason Mostly does in his day is play Playstation!!!! that guy always plays it... and when he's not home he's either gone out to rent a game, or go sleep over at his friends to play Playstation or computer.... Jason's house is the first place where us guys would go to have a cig... cause we didn't want to get caught and at his place no-one really cared so that kicked ass, he's a cool guy...

Andy Bridal Shower Power : Andy Brittle is 15 he's an alright guy he's o.k. I used to hang out with him a lot when I was in like 6th 7th and 8th grade.....But we started hangin out with different people and stuff.... but I still talk to him...Andy has always had shit somehow attracted to his head though... I don't know why.. he would slip bash his head on ice, get hit with a soccer ball, football, basketball, even one time a baseball was launched out into the soccer field and he just happened to be standing in that spot!!!! But he's pretty good in video games so if you want a challenge in strategy games play him...

Little Man /or Kevin Terry Womanis : This guy got his name cause he was always the smallest and we always called him a little girl because he was so weak and frail....Kevin is 15 and is an alright guy though same as Andy I don't see him all that much or talk to him as much as I used to.... he's like a little rapper... but he's growing and getting taller now.. so he may not be little man for much longer....

Kevin Gayboss : Kevin Leboss is 15 and got his name cause we all joke around and call him a fag.... sometimes when he acts gay he can fool us into beleiving that he is.... but if you actually talk to him seriously you'd see he's a cool guy to hang out with, even if he is a jock...

Dickie : Mickie is 14 and is more of an aquintance than a friend I just put him on here to let everyone know how he got that name.... There are many stories that go along with that name but mainly cause he's a 24 hour Spanker, there are many stories about people hearing him in the closet and bathroom and shit spanking the monkey...so I just wanted to make fun of him, so that's Why I added him....

Scotty boy : Scott is 15 and lives about 20 minutes or so away..... he's the guy that got me into smoking... one day he asked me to go outside with him and offered me a drag and I did try it once before but a long time ago... so I told him ya sure... and then went to his place had a ciggarette there and then started going out every break during school then finally I told my step mom like a week after my birthday and surprisingly she didn't give a shit..But other than that Scott can be a really cool guy most of the time... sometimes he acts like a tit though but on a rare occasion.... sometimes he can be a really nice guy...

Ryan the Player Snider : Ryan is 15 and one of the coolest guys I know he is one of the best guys to hang out and go partying with.... Ryan ended up with the player/pimp part in his name because well it's easy to figure out................. if Ryan likes a girl and knows he can get her he'll go for it and have his fun and that's that... sometimes he does go out with the girl but he's a guy that just likes to live life without problems....
Ryan's Picture

Vince : Vince is 16, and lives about 5 minutes or so away from Ryan.. and like 15 minutes away from me. Vince is a really cool guy he came to high school half way through the year and as soon as he arrived everyone thought he was a stupid retard, but once we started talking to him and stuff we would hang around with him all the time and is a really good friend with all of us... Although Vince can't be seperated from his alcohol, he is still a really cool guy and will give you some if he's still sober enough to piss by himself...

Stone Cold Steve Rojers /or Steeeeeeeeeeeeevvve : Steve's 15, he lives near Scott, he's a pretty cool guy, he's the one that made me decide to buy a playstation after playing Final Fantasy 7, Steve is really good when it comes to sports such as basket ball.... I was trying to think of something Steve always does but was having a hard time till I thought of school.... This guy looks like a normal guy.... sorta baggy pants, cool shirts, good shoes, easy to blend in type of guy..... but the only thing is that this guy is sooooo fucking smart... while half the class would be happy they got there test back with like a 65-75, We'd ask Steve "Hey Wadda' get??" and he would say.... "awwwww.... only a 98" and we'd all tell him to shut up.... but other than that he's a cool guy same as everyone else.....

Da Chics In My Life

Peach : Le Anne is 17 and lives way down in Arizona.... I actually met her like about a month or so ago and I would always talk to her on ICQ pratically every night and now we started talking on the phone which is even better ... lucky for me though she calls so I don't have to pay long distance charges.... but anyways Le Anne is really hot and really cool she's like a best girl friend.. kinda like Cody but a girl... I really like her a lot and am hoping to meet her for a while when I go down to California for half a year maybe longer.. but she is REALLY cool, coolest chick I know...

Bird Shit : Brigitte is 15 and is alright I guess I don't know her real well but I talk to her...I don't remember exactly how she got the nick name Bird Shit... I think Shane called her that one day and the name stuck cause we all know she hates it so we say it to tease her.... Actually she was the one who wanted me to put her on my page somewhere so I was going go and stick her name on the bottom right corner of this page in a #1 font so it was really hard to read... but nah... I decided to add her instead...
Brigette's Picture

Louise : Louise is 16 she's really cool... I like her, she pretty damn hot too.. (I Mean not as hot as Le Anne :-) ) but... I mean she still is hot... she's going out with Ryan the Player right now and surprisingly it's been over 4 months!!!! that's some pretty weird shit for Ryan.... but Louise just lives like an 8 min bike ride away from me so I go see her sometimes and we going swimming or watch movies and wrestle...

Joey : Katie-Joe is 15, she's alright, she's someone who I've went to school with ever since grade 1.... she's different from the rest of my friends she likes shitty music like the Backstreet Boy Toys.... although she is kinda like Brigette... Katie to me seems a little... well urrggghh square.... although that can't be defined exactly yet because she has never had the opportunity to prove different but Katie is cool.... don't get me wrong!!! she's funny and really smart... although I don't think she likes my twisted humor sometimes but that's alright...

Katie's Picture

Michelle : Michelle McKendrik is cool, I just met her this year... she's in grade 9..... She's pretty cool, Although we always argue because she says in every picyure she has she's ugly, and I say she's not... I'll put 2 pics up and you can be the judge of that.... I'd like to write more but I mean I've only know her for like a week or two.... So anyways here's the pics...

Michelle's Picture
Michelle and Trevor Hurst from Econaline Crush

Blaze : Jennifer, is 14 turning 15 soon, she is unbelievably hot, and is sooo cool, she likes lotta the same stuff as I do like video games, WWF, etc... she's awesome!! she has light brown hair I say it's blonde, emerald green eyes, loves sports, KoRn, Snowboarding and guys(she told me to say guys) and hmmm I don't know she's just really nice.. Talk to her on ICQ and you'll see for yourself...

Jennifer's Picture

Chealsea BoxThis is a really wicked Local band that has had many people close and further away always wanting to hear them they often play around this area to make some money and shit but it's worth the cash.....The members in the group are listed as..
-Emily Carr-Vocals
-Shawn McGregor-lead guitarist
-Jeff Boesh-Second Guitarist
-Brad Snider-Bass Guitar, back up Vocals
-James Dupre-Drums
Little short profiles:

Emily: In my opinion Emily is a bit strange... She's cool and all but to me it seems like she lives in the hippie dayz... with all that nature stuff and crap....

Shawn: Shawn's a cool guy and a fucking good guitarist !! he's cool and funny don't know him that well though...
Shawn's Picture

Jeff: Jeff is a cool guy I went to school with him ever since grade 1 (he's a grade ahead though) I never talked to him really at all at school though we kinda didn't like each other then, but once I got to high school I started talking to him and hangin with him.... he's a cool guy like all the Chealsea Box members.. and just like all the rest of them he likes to smoke dope... well half the people I listed here do...Jeff used to be really well known for his messed up dreds but he cut em off this summer...

Brad: Ryan the player Snider's older bro... just like Ryan he's a pimp..... He's a fuckin cool guy though.. wicked to hang with and a really good sk8er.... I met Brad this year along with all Chealsea Box members (not including Jeff) I bought my first electric Guitar from him... we played it up in his room one day and I really wanted it so I bought an amp(kinda crackally) electric Guitar, and 50foot patch cord from him for $120 which was a good deal... He's really funny and really cool....Brad's a fucking talented musician... he can play electric guitar,bass guitar,trombone,keyboard,and drums pretty good don't u think??
Brad's Picture

James: Rock Head (Trevor)'s older bro... James is wicked on drums he plays for Chealsea Box but also plays with other bandz for some minor shows..... I really only started talkin to him a lot when I went to the kick ass party he had where the band played and fuckin 50 people showed up... like 20 slept out in tents in the back yard and after the band was done EVERYONE brought out the booze and dope till like 3:00 a.m. then everyone past out, or sat by the fire cold with empty bottles and roaches in thier hands.. Me, Cody, and Jeff just chucked our sleeping bags beside the fire and crashed at like 3:30 in the morning while everyone else was freezin thier ass off in the tents....(SUCKERZ the fire was nice and warm.. and no bugz...) but we were woken up at 7:00 a.m. (which sucked) from otherz that went to bed earlier and got up early... (FUCK WAS I TIRED!!)\

If your not here and want to be it's probably cause I didn't get around to it or else wasn't sure what to write but if you wanna see your name on my friends section and if you have a pic to send it'd be great cause I'll be adding some soon... but get a hold of me through ICQ or e-mail and I'll get on it right away!!!

CoE members : I have to add the Coe in here those guys made me feel right at home as soon as I joined. *CoE kicks ass*!!!!! *(for those who don't know it's a big Diablo/Star Craft Guild)* I'd also like to thank specifically MacBeth for hooking me up..... Dark Rosli for promoting me to second in command..... and also I didn't forget about you KiLLeR you've always been there man.... AND MANY OTHERZ THAT WERE NOT MENTIONED...such as FeNiX, Hellsknight, and many otherz..... who knows maybe when I got a lot of free time to the comp I'll come back and regain my position as Second in Command... LONG LIVE CoE!!!!!!!!

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